
ClickBackUpNow(belowBackups).Toencryptyourbackups,select“Encrypt[device]backup”,typeapassword,thenclickSetPassword.Toseethe ...,ClickBackUpNow(belowBackups).Toencryptyourbackups,select“Encrypt[device]backup,typeapassword,thenclickSetPassword.Toseethe ...,2020年7月25日—GotoSettings>iCloud>Storage>ManageStorage,thentapadevicelistedunderBackupstoseethedateandsizeofitslatestbackup.Goto .....

Back up your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch in iTunes on PC

Click Back Up Now (below Backups). To encrypt your backups, select “Encrypt [device] backup”, type a password, then click Set Password. To see the ...

Back up your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch in iTunes on PC

Click Back Up Now (below Backups). To encrypt your backups, select “Encrypt [device] backup, type a password, then click Set Password. To see the ...

Can you choose which backup to restore from iOS ...

2020年7月25日 — Go to Settings > iCloud > Storage > Manage Storage, then tap a device listed under Backups to see the date and size of its latest backup. Go to ...

Change Devices preferences in iTunes on PC

In the iTunes app on your PC, use the Devices pane in iTunes preferences to view and delete device backups, choose syncing options and more. To change these ...

How Do You Selectively Back Up iPhone Data?

2021年9月3日 — Selectively Back Up iPhone Data by Syncing to iTunes · Launch iTunes on your computer. · Connect your iPhone to your computer with a USB cable.

How to change the iTunes backup location

Instruct the Terminal to change to the default iTunes backup location, by entering cd ~/Library/Application- Support/MobileSync and then pressing ⏎ Enter .

What Does iTunes Backup Include and What Doesn't?

Section 3. Easily decide what your backup includes and save storage space · Preview and Select: You could preview and select the files when you backup or restore ...